Posting Pesticide Use
Please post area BEFORE you spray.
Please remove posts shortly after the REI is expired.
The EPA holds employer-owners responsible for correct posting. The Quick Reference Guide outlines the responsiblities of employer-owners and of the employee performing the work.
No matter when you think people outside your operation will be on your marsh, the LAW states that you must post each entrance to your property prior to certain pesticide applications. Notifying businesses that you know will be on your marsh is crucial to preventing unwanted exposures. Having a central posting area is extremely beneficial to all those who may enter property. Flip signs that go from Private Property to Danger Pesticide-Do Not Enter is a really easy way to accomplish entrance postings. Ensuring the safety of your employees, families and all those who enter your farm just makes good sense.
This article was posted in Cranberry and tagged pesticide use, pesticides, Suzanne Arendt.