New Biopesticides for Grape Disease Management in Wisconsin
As we head into the grape growing season in Wisconsin, I want to share information on some newer fungicidal products for disease control. All products mentioned are registered in Wisconsin as shown by our states Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Pesticide Database. Fungicide labels can be found through this database by searching the product name. Mention of a product does not imply its endorsement. The label is the law.
Howler (active ingredient: the bacterium, Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009)is manufactured by AgBiome Innovations, Inc. It is OMRI listed (i.e., approved for application in organic production systems) and a member of the FRAC BM02 class of fungicides, which are known to have multiple modes of action. Howler has a 0-day PHI and a 4-hour REI. Howler is labeled for black rot, downy mildew, Botrytis gray mold, Phomopsis, powdery mildew, sour rot (suppression only), and several soil diseases. Limited data is available on the performance of Howler, although trials are ongoing in the western and northeastern U.S. grape production regions. In Wisconsin, our lab is testing Howler applications in several organic field trials. This work is ongoing, and we anticipate that results from these trials will be shared in 2024.
Stargus (active ingredient: the bacterium, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain F727) is manufactured by Marrone Bio Innovations. Stargus is OMRI listed for use in organic production and classified as a FRAC BM02 fungicide. It is labeled for Botrytis, and in University of California-Davis field trials it displayed moderate efficacy against Botrytis. Limited data is available on its efficacy in other production regions. The product has a 0-day PHI and a 4-hour REI.
Theia (active ingredient: the bacterium, Bacillus subtilis strain AFS032321) is manufactured by AgBiome Innovations, Inc. Theia is OMRI listed for use in organic production. It is part of the BM02 FRAC group of fungicides. Theia is labeled for black rot, downy mildew, Botrytis gray mold, Phomopsis, powdery mildew, and several soil diseases. Limited data is available on the performance of this product. The product has a 0-day PHI and a 4-hour REI.
- 2023-2024 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide –
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This article was posted in Disease, Grapes and tagged Biopesticides, Grape Disease Management, Grapes, Leslie Holland.