Introducing NEWA 3.0: Updated Models and Resources for Fruit Growers
The Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA) is an important resource in the IPM toolbox for apple growers. 2021 is bringing long-awaited updates and improvements that were designed specifically with grower needs in mind. This article will quickly get you started with NEWA 3.0 during this period of transition.

Where can I find the updated NEWA 3.0 website?
NEWA 3.0 is at Note this website address has dev in the front indicating it is a ‘development’ website, meaning there could be some occasional bugs or issues. If you discover a glitch, have a problem, or want to ask questions, contact the NEWA Help Desk right away by sending an email message to We need your help to catch these last bumps in the road.
Is the old NEWA website still available?
YES. The old NEWA is available for all of 2021 at Note this website address does not have dev in the front. This old version will not be retired until after the 2021 growing season because we want to minimize frustration or anxiety that comes with learning new technology. For example, please feel free to rely on old NEWA for day to day management while you set aside time off-hours to learn NEWA 3.0.
How do I get started with NEWA 3.0?
There are three important steps to complete before using NEWA 3.0 apple models. Quickstart video tutorials are available for each on the NEWA Help Desk. See Table 1 for details and links.
Table 1. Watch these short Quickstart video tutorials to get started with NEWA 3.0.
Title | Link |
How to start using NEWA | |
How to customize your NEWA dashboard | |
How to use your NEWA dashboard | |
I found a glitch! What do I do?
Please report a NEWA 3.0 bug or issue to Or send a message to with lots of details and a screenshot or two of your problem. We need your help finding and working out these final bugs.
Are all the same NEWA apple models and resources available?
A majority of apple models are available now on NEWA 3.0 at Plans are in place to complete the rest by June of this year. Be sure to create and sign in to your NEWA 3.0 user account for the best experience (see above). Table 2 provides a complete listing of availability.
Table 2. Availability of NEWA apple models on NEWA 3.0.
Model | Available | Model link | Tutorial link |
Apple maggot | Yes | | |
Codling moth | Yes | | |
Obliquebanded leafroller | Yes | | |
Oriental fruit moth | Yes | | |
Plum curculio | Yes | | |
San Jose Scale | Yes | | |
Spotted tentiform leafminer | Yes | | |
Apple scab | Pending | June 2021 | June 2021 |
Fire blight | Pending | June 2021 | June 2021 |
Sooty blotch fly speck | Pending | June 2021 | June 2021 |
Apple carbohydrate thinning | Yes | | May 2021 |
Pollen tube growth model | Yes | | May 2021 |
Apple irrigation | Yes | | May 2021 |
Blueberry maggot | Yes | | |
Strawberry diseases | Pending | May 2021 | May 2021 |
Grape berry moth | Yes | | |
Grape diseases | Pending | May 2021 | May 2021 |
Degree day calculator | Pending | June 2021 | June 2021 |
Weather summaries | Pending | June 2021 | June 2021 |
I still have questions or concerns. Who can I contact?
Please reach out to the NEWA Help Desk with a message to or by submitting a request here We generate a unique work ticket number and try to respond within 1 or 2 business days at most. Your ticket will remain open until we find a solution for you.
Where can I learn more?
Be sure to follow NEWA on Twitter @NetworkforEnvi2 and Facebook @nysipm.newa. Also check out the NEWA blog at
NEWA is part of the New York State IPM Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension at Cornell University. NYSIPM partners closely with the Northeast Regional Climate Center to make NEWA available to growers statewide.
Figure 1. A screenshot of the NEWA 3.0 user dashboard from which you can choose preferred stations and models. A Quickstart video for dashboard navigation is available at
Figure 2. A screenshot of the NEWA 3.0 codling moth user interface. A Quickstart guide for this model is available at
This article was posted in Apples and tagged Apples, Dan Olmstead, IPM, Network for Environment and Weather Applications, NEWA.