UW-Madison/Extension Insect Diagnostic Lab Update
Caseload at the UW Insect Diagnostic Lab (IDL) has been very high over the last two weeks. A summary of recent fruit crop insects reported to the lab as well as important insects to scout for can be found below:
Japanese beetles: Japanese beetles reports continue to trickle in from around the state. Most reports of notable damage are from northern parts of Wisconsin (roughly the Hwy 29 corridor and northwards). Reports have dopped off compared to two weeks ago, suggesting that the end of the Japanese beetle season may be coming up in the not-to-distant future.
Stink bugs: I’ve had quite a few reports of stink bugs over the last two weeks, including many cases of green stink bug nymphs (juveniles) from southern Wisconsin; adults of this species have also been reported recently. I’ve also had a few sightings of brown marmorated stink bug nymphs and adults from southern Wisconsin.
Social wasps: As is typical for the time of the year, I’ve seen an increase in reports of yellowjackets, bald-faced hornet, and paper wasps recently. Activity is expected to increase over the next 4-6 weeks as these wasps are desperate for food and readily scavenge from damaged and compromised fruits. These can be a concern due to sting risks at the time of harvest.
Other scavengers: Similar to the social wasps, a number of other insects will readily feed on damaged and compromised fruits. I’ve recently had reports from around the state of Asian lady beetles, picnic beetles, and various fruit flies associated with fruits.
Plum curculio: I’ve recently had a number of reports from around the state of plum curculio damage on apples and stone fruits.
Reminder about diagnostic support from the IDL: Growers and consultants in need of insect diagnostic services are always welcome to submit a sample to the UW Insect Diagnostic Lab. Lab services are provided free of charge. You can find additional information about the IDL here: insectlab.russell.wisc.edu
This article was posted in Insects and tagged Asian Lady Beetle, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, fruit flies, green stink bug, Insect Diagnostic Lab, insects, Japanese Beetles, picnic beetles, PJ Liesch, Plum curculio, social wasps, stink bug.