UW-Madison/Extension Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic (PDDC) Update June 28, 2024
The following diseases/disorders were identified at the PDDC from June 22, 2024 through June 28, 2024.
Apple (‘Honeycrisp’) | Cedar-Apple Rust Frogeye Leaf Spot Honeycrisp Leaf Mottle | Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Botryosphaeria obtusa None | La Crosse Fond du Lac La Crosse |
Apple (Unspecified) | Bitter Rot Poor Pollination | Colletotrichum sp. None | Brown Brown |
Pear | Phyllosticta Leaf Spot Powdery Mildew | Phyllosticta sp. Oidium sp. | Portage Milwaukee |
Persimmon | Alternaria Leaf Spot Discosia Leaf Spot | Alternaria sp. Discosia sp. | Sauk Sauk |
To learn more about plant diseases and their control, as well as PDDC educational resources and activities, visit the PDDC website at pddc.wisc.edu, follow the clinic on Facebook and Twitter @UWPDDC or email pddc@wisc.edu to subscribe to the PDDC listserv “UWPDDCLearn”.
This article was posted in Disease and tagged Alternaria Leaf Spot, Apples, Bitter Rot, Brian Hudelson, cedar-apple rust, Dante Tauscheck, Discosia Leaf Spot, disease, frogeye leaf spot, Honeycrisp, honeycrisp leaf mottle, PDDC, Phyllosticta Leaf Spot, Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, Poor Pollination, Powdery mildew.