UW-Madison/Extension Insect Diagnostic Lab Update August 18, 2021
As is typical for this time of the year, caseload has remained high at the UW Insect Diagnostic Lab over the last two weeks. A summary of recent fruit crop insects reported to the UW Insect Diagnostic Lab can be found below:
Japanese beetles: The lab continues to receive reports of Japanese beetles, although activity seems to be declining in some areas. It’s known that high temperatures can shorten the lifespan of adult beetles, which may explain the declining numbers reported in some parts of southern Wisconsin. Most of the recent reports have come in from central and northern Wisconsin.
Whitemarked tussock moth: Larvae (caterpillars) of this common species can be associated with a wide range of hardwood trees and shrubs, including fruit trees, nuts, and blueberries. The UW Insect Diagnostic Lab has recently received a few scattered reports of caterpillars from around the state over the last two weeks. The distinctive caterpillars are covered with setae (“hairs”) that can irritate skin, so skin contact should be avoided.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: Reports of BMSB nymphs (juveniles) continue to trickle in, mostly from southern Wisconsin. Most sightings have been of mid-instar nymphs, with some nearly mature nymphs also being spotted. The brown marmorated stink bug has the potential to cause substantial damage to fruits, such as apples around the time of harvest, so growers should monitor for this pest.
Spotted Wing Drosophila: The lab continues to receive reports of the spotted wing drosophila from around the state. Recent reports have been mostly from red raspberries and blackberries.
Social Wasps: The activity of social wasps (bald-faced hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps) has increased substantially over the last two weeks and activity is expected to continue to increase over the coming weeks. These wasps readily feed upon compromised fruits and can also be a nuisance and sting concern for workers at the time of harvest.
This article was posted in Insects and tagged Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Insect Diagnostic Lab, insects, Japanese Beetles, social wasps, Spotted Wing Drosophila, white-marked tussock moths.